Meat consumption and vegetarianism are both two ends of the same stick. They are both created by people for the same reasons, thinking that both are right. Being right is only one of the reasons and you will find the other as you read. But this billion dollar question has no such simple answer or one right answer. Let's look at the big picture. All vegetarians are not vegetarians because they love animals. Most vegetarians do so because of health reasons. Many animal lovers are also meat eating people. They eat meat because they too believe it provides nutrition and also they love the taste. Humans kill animals for various reasons and most people who kill animals are not the ones who eat them. They kill to sell and killing animals is a legal and acceptable trade which is a significant source of economy of certain countries such as USA, Argentina, Australia and New Zealand. If people don't eat animals then there is no trade. But animals would be in pe...
We create our lives with the choices we make. How we choose to think, speak and act shapes our lives through the results of our choices. I share stories of my own and from the world that can change our perceptions. You can send your comments and stories to share with others and see how your life and the world change as you change.