Meditation is a very much confused activity with so many objectives and interpretations. The mediator must first choose why he or she chooses to meditate. Hindu and other religious meditations are for the purpose of controlling the mind and to bring it to a single point of attention with high intensity of concentration. That is not the path Buddha described. That is not the object of meditation Buddhists are meant to do. A Buddhist means a person who is exploring and investigating to understand the four noble truths, (what suffering is, cause of suffering, the path of ending all suffering and ending all suffering). Anyone grew up with other religions would also be a Buddhist, if that person seeks to understand four noble truths. Misguided Buddhists also do this concentration technique wrongly labelled with many names including anapanasathi and watching arising and ceasing, mindfulness, samadhi etc, because they have not yet come across original Buddha's teachings and not have heard...
We create our lives with the choices we make. How we choose to think, speak and act shapes our lives through the results of our choices. I share stories of my own and from the world that can change our perceptions. You can send your comments and stories to share with others and see how your life and the world change as you change.