The body gets diseased in a number of ways. The diseases can be categorised according to the underlying disease process or the mechanism that alters the body tissues. These mechanisms are: 1. Infective 2. Inflammatory 3. Neoplasmic 4. Traumatic 5. Degenerative 6. Cytotoxic These disease processes in the body, are initiated by other causes such as poor hygiene, poor ventilation, dehydration, nutritional deficiency, exposure to chemicals, heat, pressure, high velocity, substance abuse and physical and mental stress etc. All these causes above are ultimately come under our responsibility. Those causes can be prevented or minimised by managing our behaviour. Our behaviour depends on our attention and awareness. When we are mindful we can manage our attention and awareness to prevent harm and to improve safety and wellness. Mindfulness not only help us to change our behaviour it also has a direct influence in managing the body's stress response. ...
We create our lives with the choices we make. How we choose to think, speak and act shapes our lives through the results of our choices. I share stories of my own and from the world that can change our perceptions. You can send your comments and stories to share with others and see how your life and the world change as you change.