The feeling of self-unworthiness is one of the biggest causes of anxiety and depression. When you have no self-worthiness, you are reluctant to connect with others and tend to live in isolation. Why some people are happy and in full of joy and confidence in themselves and they are in self-acceptance and love and others are feeling low self -worthiness feeling depressed, in self-judgment and hatred towards themselves. Tara Brach, a clinical psychologist describes, 3 simple processes to overcome self-unworthiness. 1. Learning to observe your own thoughts 2. Observing your own feelings 3. Offering loving kindness to yourself. When you have self-hate or self-judgment the primitive part of your brain gets activated. That means we are in a state of fright, flight or freeze state and under stress. We have then, activated our red alert system constantly looking out for danger or threat. That is why offering lovingkindness is so important...
We create our lives with the choices we make. How we choose to think, speak and act shapes our lives through the results of our choices. I share stories of my own and from the world that can change our perceptions. You can send your comments and stories to share with others and see how your life and the world change as you change.