Did you know that it is the choices you make creates your results including your health? We make choices consciously as well as unconsciously? Results of our unconscious choices are called either luck or misfortune If you are not healthy, simply you haven't uncovered your unconscious choices that is contributing to your ill health. Are you ready to make a choice to uncover the right choices to be healthy.? If you have not made any changes to the way you think, your results or the current situation will not change. Do you like to know what it takes to be healthy? The answer lies within you, it is by being aware of your body and mind. Health is not something just happens to us. Health is a conscious and active process. Health is not a static state that it remains forever once you achieve it. Health is a dynamic process requires adjustments to keep in balance....
We create our lives with the choices we make. How we choose to think, speak and act shapes our lives through the results of our choices. I share stories of my own and from the world that can change our perceptions. You can send your comments and stories to share with others and see how your life and the world change as you change.