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Daily Mindfulness Practice of Gratitude

We go about our daily life without appreciating little things that can give us immense satisfaction and innocent pleasures in life. We dont have to do much, but only by noticing and appreciating them we can bring peace and happiness to our lives.

How about making a habit of waking up to our senses feeling happy and contented everyday. To experience true and lasting happiness and contentment we need to be in touch with pure consciouness. 

When we just notice the things that our senses capture without our own interpreatation or judgment we are in touch with pure conciouness. All we need to do is to pay attention to what we see, hear, smell, taste, touch and feel without naming or shaming, blaming or praising. Just noticing them and acknowledging them as they are, we become aware of the most magical and precious gift that we all have received as a human being, that is the ability to be aware of pure consciousness that we truly are.

As I wake up or any time in the day or night, I take a moment from my busy life, to notice the beauty of nature, sunlight, moonlight, sky, clouds, trees, birds whatever is around us at the time. Let's take this moment right now. Listen to what ever you hear, it could be the wind blowing, birds chirping, leaves rustling, water flowing or just pure silence.

Smell the air, fragrances from flowers and trees, or any aroma in your garden or indoor plants at home or in your office. 
Enjoy the taste when you sip a cup of tea or coffee or any drink that nourishes you. When you eat your meals, relax, sit down, take your time to feel the taste of your food.

Feel the warmth or freshness in your breath. Feel if there is a cold breeze touching your skin, the pleasant touch of clothes you wear or the blanket you wrap your body in when you sleep.

Similarly, you can also enjoy pleasant thoughts about you and others. Take this moment to feel grateful for all you have. They dont have to be mansions and luxurious possesions. We can be grateful for the air we breath, water we drink, food that are available for us, clothes and shoes we wear and the house that give us shelter from the sun and rain. 

We can also feel grateful towards our family, relatives, friends and neighbours. We can extend our love and kindness to them and to all those who live in our community, our country and the rest of the world. We send our well wishes to all and fill our hearts with pleasurable thoughts and feelings.

Now I send loving kindness feelings to myself. 
"I am also a creation of consciousness. I forgive myself for all mistakes and wrong doings I have done through my ignorance. I wish happiness and wellness to myself and I commit to develop my wisdom through mindfulness practice".

Now, I am feeling
gratitude towards all those who have come before me to create and provide comforts and facilities I enjoy in my life. "I am grateful for those who cared for me, gave comforts, love, treated me with kindness, helped me to bring the best of myself. They could be my parents, grand parents, relatives, friends and others who I may not even know. They may not be alive today. I thank all of them and appreciate their presence in my life".

"Thank you for all your help, comfort, nourishment, kindness, love and wisdom you gave to me”

Now I take this opportunity to ask for forgiveness from those to whom, I may have intentionally or unintentionally caused any harm or unpleasant feelings. I send well wishes to everyone of them.

 “Please forgive me for any harm or unpleasantness to anyone I may have caused by my ignorance”

"There may be others who caused harm to myself and hurt my feelings. I let go any grudges of  that I am holding on about them. This string that I am still holding binds them to me and it can cause so much grief, loss and ill-health to me. Why not let that go right now and release myself and be free from this moment for ever. What ever the harm they did was done, because of their ignorance and their lack of wisdom. When I let go of them, I find comfort through my own wisdom and peace within me and I rise above that negative mindset to fill me with loving kindness towards them, wishing that they too come out of their ignorant mind set to break free to find comfort within them".

"I forgive you for all wrong doing and I release you from any grudges that I am still holding against you in order to free myself from all ill effects I am having because of that attachment. You are free to go from my life and I will no longer be affected by you or memories about you".

Image result for war zone
"Even if I am surrounded by misery, war zones or natural disaster or human crimes, I choose to see, hear, smell and touch my surrounds with extreme compassion to myself and victims who experienced such harm, loss and grief".

"I accept what I can’t change and understand that fire cannot be put out by more fire and only by pouring water I can cease fire. Similarly, if I react with anger and hatred towards those who committed acts of violence, I perpetuate violence and war. Legal action and natures forces serve justice and will take care of those who do wrong and my job is to do no more harm".

"I am sad to see so much suffering and so much ignorance amongst our fellow human beings. I commit to be an instrument to bring happiness, peace and freedom to human kind".

Lastly, I feel loving kindness to all creations and creatures without any discrimination". 

"I am wishing longevity, wellness and happiness to all human beings and unconditional love to all beings, all things that are all creations of consciousness". As I notice their true nature, I become pure consciousness.

Dr Sophie Jayamaha
for further reading on mindfulness go to:


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